Love lettering

Love Lettering

In next month’s Celebrating the Seasons workshops we are not only embracing the nature of the season but also the celebration of love ready for the 14th, and it doesn’t have to be romantic love, why not celebrate friendships, family, or great work pals that you love with a special card… it might just brighten someone’s day.

So in the spirit of card giving, which I think is always the best part of any celebration, I’m running a workshop session focused on brush lettering and envelope decoration…

What does the workshop cover?

In the 1 hour pre-recorded workshop, I will work through showing how to create a playful brush lettering style with techniques and exercises to help you gain confidence with the pen before working through the alphabet step by step, once we have created the full alphabet together I will share tips for joining your lettering although this style lends itself to being unjoined too! We will then work through simple illustrative motifs just like the above to adorn your envelopes with floral decoration and flourishes.

You’ll also receive an alphabet template to download, print and use as a reference through the session.

What do you need to complete the workshop?

I’ll be using the Tombow red dual brush pen, however, you are welcome to use whichever brush pen you have. You will also need some smooth paper (printer-style paper will be fine) to practice on and a few envelopes to create the final designs, I will be using pink envelopes but again, it is totally up to you and you may want to just enjoy the session practising on paper. The technique is perfect for personalising plenty of stationery from envelopes, cards, place names and gift tags!

Book a space & see what else is on in February

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